Cordon bleu Diploma, Tante Marie school of Cookery, UK
Certificate in Professional Chef Course, Westminster Kingsway College, UK
Bachelor Degree in Culinary Art Management, West London University, UK
Master Degree in Food Therapy, Cha University, South Korea
Ph.D. Candidate in Foodservice&Restaurant Management, Yousei University, South Korea
Woosong College, Sol International School, Lecturer
Yonsei University, Simbiotic life-tech Institute, Researcher
Slow Food Culturul Center, Researcher
St. Martins Lane Hotel, Chef, UK
Chez Gerard Restaurant, Paramount Group, Chef, UK
Salt&Pepper Catering Company, Chef, UK
Hyatt Regency Coconut Point Resort&Spa, Culinary Intern, USA
Published Articles
Shin, Y.L, Yang, J.E, Lee, H.J. (2024) Analysis of Home Meal Replacement Selection Attributes using Locally Sourced Food based on Food-related Lifestyles, The Korean Journal of Food and Nutrition, 37(6), 479-494.
Shin H.W, Lee, I.O, Kim J.W, Shin, Y.L. (2023). Effects of Nutrition Education on Dietary knowledge, Dietary attitudes and Dietary behavior of elderly, The Korean Journal of Food and Nutrition, 36(2). 1-11.
Kyung, M.S, Shin, Y.L, Ham, Sunny. (2022). Evaluation of Workload and Full-Time Equivalents in Kindergarten Dietitians through Job Analysis by Kindergarten Establishment Type, Journal of Korean Diet Association, 28(1). 1-18.
Shin, Y.L, Kyung, M.S, Baek, S.Y, Ham, Sunny. (2021). Restaurant Meal Delivery and Take-Out Consumption Behavior according to Adolescents’ Food-Related Lifestyles, Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life, 31(3), 172-187.
Shin, Y.L, Lee, H.J. (2021). Importance and Satisfaction Analysis of Consumers Who Prefer Home Meal Replacement Using Local Foods by Product Types, The Korean Journal of Food and Nutrition, 34(6), 650-661.
Shin, Y.L, Eom, H.J, Jang, H.M, Lee, H.J. (2021). Analysis of HMR Product Development Priorities based on Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), Journal of Korea Academic Society of Tourism and Leisure, 33(12), 363-379.
Kyung, M.S, Shin, Y.L, Ham, Sunny. (2021). Comparative Analysis of Essential Tasks and Delegable Tasks among Kindergarten Dietitians, Journal of Korean Diet Association, 27(4), 209-231.
Baek, S.Y, Shin, Y.L, Kim, G.H, Oh, J.E, Lee, S.M, Ham, Sunny. (2020). Analysis of Job Importance and Job Performance in Dietitians by Kindergarten Establishment Type, Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life, 30(4), 274-287.
Conference Presentations
Lee, H.S, Shin, Y.L, Lee, J.S, Ham, Sunny. (2024). Impact of Food Delivery Usage on Consumer Perception of Food Safety and Trust in Remedial Procedures, International Conference on Food Safety, Nov 20, Jeju, South Korea.
Ham, Sunny, Shin, Y.L, Hwang, J.H, Min, B.K, Lee, J.H, (2024)Culinary major students’ perception of cooking robots applying the Technology Acceptance Model(TAM), Annual Conference of the Culinary Society of Korea, Nov 23, Seoul, South Korea [Encouragement Award]
Shin, Y.L, Ham, Sunny. (2024). Development and effect analysis of Adult Sensory Education; Applying the Sapere method, APacCHRIE conference, May 26, Seoul, South Korea
Shin, Y.L, Ham, Sunny. (2022). Effects of taste education satisfaction on healthy eating for adults: Application of Food literacy model, APTA conference, Jul 6, Jeju, South Korea
Baek S.Y, Shin, Y.L, et. al. (2021) Survey on the Needs of Field Experts for the Development of School Meal Guidelines for the Prevention of Infectious Diseases such as COVID-19. The East Asian Society of Dietary Life Autumn Conference, Nov 20, Seoul, South Korea
Shin, Y.L, et. al. (2021). A Study on the operation of School Meal in responded to COVID-19 through School Meal Consulting. The East Asian Society of Dietary Life Autumn Conference, Nov 20, Seoul, South Korea
Shin, Y.L, Ham, Sunny. (2020). Consumer's Sustainable consciousness and cooking-related factors: The Role of perceived consumer effectiveness, APTA conference, June 29.
Shin, Y.L, Ham, Sunny. (2017). Text mining analysis of Reserach Trend in Dietary Education in South Korea, The knowledge management society of Korea Conference, Gwangju, South Korea
Bachelor Degree :
- University of Pune University.
- Bachelor in Hotel Management Travel and Tourism from Pune University (2007).
- India – Graduated 2007.
Post-Graduation Degree:
- University of Ealing Hammersmith West London.
- PGDA in Patisserie and Confectionery from Ealing Hammersmith West London College.
- London – Graduated 2009.
Saudi Airlines – Pastry Chef, Saudi Arabia – 2 years.
Honore Patisserie – Executive Pastry Chef, London – 5 years.
Bachelor Degree in Food Nutrition, Yonsei University, Korea
Master Degree in Foodservice Restaurant Management, Yonsei University, Korea
Ph.D. in Foodservice Restaurant Management, Yonsei University, Korea
Ph.D. in Hospitality Management, Iowa State University
Florida State University, College of Business, Dedman School of Hospitality, Research faculty
Florida State University, College of Business, Dedman School of Hospitality, Adjunct professor
Certified Hospitality Educator (CHE), American Hotel Lodging Association, USA
GS Retail Co., Food Service Business
OURHOME Co., Food Service Business
Published Articles
Jang Y.J. (2024). Charting a course for sustainable hospitality by exploring leadership theories and their implications. Sustainability [SSCI], 16, 1-15.
Shin, J.Y. Kim, E., Jang, Y.J., Singal M. (2024). Mindful choices: unveiling the driving factors behind consumers’ intention to reduce single-use plastic utensils. Sustainability [SSCI], 16(2), 1-20.
Jang, Y.J., Kim, E. (2023). How self-identity and social identity grow environmentally sustainable restaurants’ brand communities via social rewards. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research [SSCI], 1-17.
Jang, Y.J. , Kim, E. (2023). Social and personal norms in shaping customers’ environmentally sustainable behavior in restaurants’ social media communities. Sustainability [SSCI], 15, 6410.
Jang, Y.J. (2022). The role of stakeholder engagement in environmental sustainability: A moderation analysis of chain affiliation. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research [SSCI], 46(5). 1006-1026.
Kim, E., Jang, Y. J., Kraak, V. (2021, November). Restaurants can innovate and recover from the Covid-19 Pandemic. Boston Hospitality Review.
Jang, Y.J. (2021). Building restaurant customers' trust amidst Covid-19 crisis through value- and performance- based information: Risk perception as a moderator. Global Business & Finance Review [SCOPUS], 26(3), 111-123.
Jang, Y.J. (2021). The role of customer familiarity in evaluating green servicescape: an investigation in the coffee shop context, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management [SSCI].
Jang, Y.J. (2020). The role of stakeholder engagement in environmental sustainability: A moderation analysis of chain affiliation. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research [SSCI].
Jang, Y.J., Zheng, T. (2019). Assessment of the Environmental Sustainability of Restaurants in the U.S.: The effects of restaurant characteristics on environmental sustainability performance. Journal of Foodservice Business Research [SCOPUS],23, 133-148.
Jang, Y.J., Zheng, T. Bosselman, R.H (2017). Top managers’ environmental values, leadership, and stakeholder engagement in promoting environmental sustainability in the restaurant industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management [SSCI], 63, 101-111.
Jang, Y.J. (2016). Environmental Sustainability Management in the Foodservice Industry: Understanding the Antecedents and Consequences, Journal of Foodservice Business Research [SCOPUS], 19(5), 441-453.
Jang, Y.J., Kim, W.G., Lee, H.Y. (2015). Coffee Shop Consumers’ Emotional Attachment and Loyalty to Green Stores: The Moderating Role of Green Consciousness, International Journal of Hospitality Management [SSCI], 44, 146-156.
Jang, Y.J., Cho, S.B., Kim, W.G. (2013). Effect of Restaurant Patron's Regret and Disappointment on Dissatisfaction and Behavioral Intention, Journal of Travel Tourism Marketing [SSCI], 30(5), 431-444.
Dewald, B., Bruin, B.J., Jang, Y.J. (2013). US Consumer Attitudes towards "Green" Restaurants. An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research [SCOPUS], 25, 2, 171-180.
Jang, Y.J., Kim, W.G., Bonn, M.A. (2011). Generation Y Consumers’ Selection Attributes and Behavioral Intentions Concerning Green Restaurants. International Journal of Hospitality Management [SSCI], 30(4), 803-811.
International Conference presentations
Jang Y. J. (2024). Creating a Sustainable Leadership Framework for the Hospitality Industry: Scale Development and Validation, APacCHRIE conference, May 24~26.
Jang Y. J. (2023). Leading the Path to Sustainable Hospitality: An Examination and Implication of Leadership Theories, TOSOK Conference, June 26~28.
Jang Y.J. (2022). Understanding Customer Sustainable Behaviors in Restaurant Social Media Communities: An application of identity theories. ICHRIE 2022 Conference, Washington D.C., Aug 3~6.
Jang, Y.J. (2022). Effects of personal and social norms on restaurant customers’ sustainable behavior: An investigation in the social media context. APacCHRIE 2022 Confernece, May 23~25
Jang, Y.J., Zheng, T., Bosselman, R. (2015). Environmental Sustainability and Organizational Performance in the Restaurant Industry: The Moderating Role of Senior Managers’ Values and Leadership. World Hospitality Tourism Forum, June 19-21. Seoul, Korea.
Jang, Y.J., Kim, W.G., Lee, H.Y., Yang, I.S. (2014). The Influence of Green Practices on Consumers’ Emotional Attachment and Loyalty. World Hospitality Tourism Forum, June 26-28. Seoul, Korea.
Kim, W.G., Jang, Y.J., Lee, H.Y. (2013). Effects of Green Attributes on Coffee Shop Consumers’ Attachment to a Store, Revisit Intention, and Repurchase Intention. TOSOK Conference, July 4-6. Seoul, Korea.
Jang, Y. J. (2011). Indentifying the Criteria of Environmental Program and Evaluating Performances in Quick Service Restaurants : A Content Analysis. International CHRIE Conference, July 27-30, Denver, Colorado, USA.
Kim, W.G., Jang, Y.J., Cho, S.B. (2011). Consumer Negative Emotion, Dissatisfaction, and Behavioral Responses: The Effects of Service Failure Severity. International CHRIE Conference, July 27- 30, Denver, Colorado, USA.
Jang, Y. J., Kim, W. G., Bonn, M. A. (2010). Consumers’ Attitudes and Behavioral Intentions in Green Restaurants: Focused on Food- related Lifestyle Segments of Generation Y. International CHRIE Conference, July 29-Aug. 1, San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA. [BEST PAPER Award]
Environmental Change and Sustainability: Management, Challenges and Research Opportunities. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Restaurant Management, Seoul, Korea: Gyomoonsa
Main Research interest
Consumer behavior, Service marketing., Sustainability management, Leadership.